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Archera User Guide
Infrastructure History - Overview
Infrastructure History - Overview
Written by Jim Gallagher
Updated over a week ago

Infrastructure History

No Infrastructure Left behind! The Infrastructure History Page acts as a diving off point to see EC2s, Lambda Functions, RDS, Fargate, and other individual resources. Here you can see Resource Details such as Operating Service and other details provided by the Cloud Provider specifically for this service. You also can see Tags as well as a larger chart to view uptime. Primarily the Infrastructure History page uses your Segment selected as the initial selector. Additional search options such as Untagged Resources are Available to help further refine the search to help gather resources up.

Infrastructure History - Infrastructure List and Details

Here you can see Usage metrics, Cost, Savings, and also see how Commitments are being applied to the infrastructure. If you have created a segment its also a quick way to verify the infrastructure is mapper properly as all the relevant information (accountId, tags, etc.) used in segment creation is available here.

If you have just launched some new Infrastructure we recommend checking it out in the Infrastructure History page for coverage a few days after launch as it takes some time for coverage to be applied. AWS and other Cloud Providers will randomly assign commitment coverage to assets. Here you can see the coverage

Click the arrow to see Resource Details about the infrastructure resource such as Tags, O.S., and Availability.

Hovering provides more information about Coverage, Uptime, and Utilization if available

Search on a number of fields such as Region, name, Operating system

Specific Services and Information

For special resources, such as AWS Lambda functions, it displays relevant usage data such as the GB-seconds used and number of requests. For Fargate the app shows the central cluster statistics.


Searching and Filters

The General search field checks infrastructure fields such as ……

To get more granular you can select core Filters such as Resource Type, Region, Service to drill down on specifically. The mode option of AND OR, ether combines the Filters in an AND operator or allows you to Search for Alternatives with an OR. Remember this page is initially filtered by Segment at the top so this is simply to act as a last mile search.

Search Untagged to add the untagged filter.

Available fields will show up as optional filters, they vary between cloud provider but we provide Region, AccountId, Resource Type, and Service across all.

Adding a Recommendation

If you want to add a Custom Recommendation simply select the Infrastructure that you want and the Add Recommendation button will become available at the top.

Add Recommendation

Clicking Add Recommendation with selected infrastructure resources will automatically link the infrastructure. Here you can see the selected resource is refreenced under the Infrastructure section in Custom Recommendation. Also, the related Segment is already pre-selected so the recommendation will go to the relative team. We recommend making recommendations on a teams Primary Segment as that is used in reporting for Groups.

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